Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dear Friends,
It's been a crazy week of writing. In the space of this week I've written about 13 pages of my novel. That may not seem like a big deal to those who've never written one- but it was just an amazing slog for me- who had been re-writing so much that I had completed 2 pages in the previous 2 months!

Oh I love it, I love it, I love it.

I love writing a scene completely from scratch- where I just get to a section of the story with a gap and I just write. And then I look at it surprised and say "Wow, so that's what happened! So interesting and unexpected".

I love putting into words scenes and realities that have been sitting in my head for often over a year and seeing them finally make their way onto my computer screen.

And its scary because now I'm starting to think I can't just comfort myself that I'll probably get sick of it and move onto another story soon. If things keep going as is some day I will actually have the first draft of a novel. And then I will have to do something with it- like find an agent or approach a publisher. And that is very, very scary.

I always wanted to be an author. Even now- I'm constantly coming up with new ideas for stories, or even non-fiction works.

This week I've been thinking alot about suffering, which is a little ironic because it's been such a beautiful week! I think to be honest that is part of the reason I can think about it- I find it hard to be introspective and thoughtful about things when I'm going through them.

I've been thinking about how so much of my life I've been faced with suffering and my attitude has been "wait, God will make it all better soon". And yet the more I look around me- I see that this is not how it works. Some suffering lasts a life-time. Life is not always filled with moment of "Oh, so that's why God let that happen!" Sometimes it is. Often it isn't.

I would love to write a book about how to think about what we can expect from the Christian life. The good and the bad. And also what are things that we are often programed to expect (like easy answers as to what God is doing) and more helpful ways of thinking about them. I'd like to write a book that is positive and uplifting and realistic.

One more to add to the list.
love B

1 comment:

Sandy Clarke said...

In your message book with Mrs Bailey, you said you wanted to write stories when you grew up! :D