Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Belinda Block

I've been hit with a bad case of a certain type of writers block.

It's not actually writers block because I'm still working on my novel.

It is not only blog block- it's also facebook status block.

It's the strangest of all blocks because for the first time in my life: I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT MYSELF!!!!!.

Me! BG. I normally love talking about myself! The highlight of working at RMIT CU was the 6 monthly review where Heather and I spent the whole day...and often part of the next, talking about- you guessed it: ME!

I'm an attention seeker. And when I discovered facebook- where 500 of my closest personal friends could hear about ME whenever they wanted- I was in heaven.

But now...I'm starting to find myself a bit boring.

My life has fit into a nice little pattern. I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing and how I'm going. But there isn't really much to say about it.

I could talk about stuff I do. I could tell you about my novel or the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica that I"m watching. I could tell you of what the kids at church are saying or the conversations that I've been having with friends.

I could.
But not today.
I have Belinda Block
love B

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