Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another Writing Mile-stone

At some stage in the next week (most likely tonight) I am going to pass the 50,000 word mark on my novel.

I'm so psyched!

50,000! If I had a dollar for every word I've written (and lets remember, many words have been deleted in the process as well) i would have a house deposite!

My question has been for a while "Does writing make me happy, or do I only write when I'm happy?" Turns out it is the first. Because I haven't had a happy time but writing has been a wonderful distraction and joy. Other distractions (like DVDs, Vid games, and even sometimes books) are great while they last but don't do much for my mood when I stop. But the satisfaction of writing and the thoughts about it afterwards keep me going for the rest of the day.

Tim has read the first half. We were on a plane to Melbourne when he started. A very traumatic hour and a bit! He had lots of feedback, at the very start he would have a piece of constructive criticism for every sentence. As it progressed (my novel gets better, the start needs lots of work) this easied somewhat, and to my surprised he really, really enjoyed it. So my next assignment is to work through his detailed comments and see what bits of it I should take on board. Tim is a great first reader because he is honest, he's good with words, he gives replacement ideas to things he doesn't like (why don't you instead get him to...), and most of all, he is really, really easily bored so he has high standards for entertainment :P

I don't really know what will happen when I finish, though Tim and I love to dream about the what ifs of what might happen if it's published. But the journey is fun, even if the destination is unknown.
love B

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