Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greek exam

Good news!
Greek went fairly well for me and Tim, praise God! The highlight was going out to a Greek restaurant afterwards and eating fried halomi- yum. But in all seriousness, as frustrating as Greek has been to study for- it is amazing to think of how much we have learnt and particularly how much of the Bible we can now read. What a privilege to study and I am so thankful for your prayers!

Me and one of the girls I was translating with were really excited because we were given a passage we'd never seen before, from somewhere in the Bible, and we were able to translate it in around 2 minutes. Such a buzz. Until the other guy in our group (who had done Greek before) sat down, took a quick glance at the sentence in Greek and said "That's from John's Gospel!"
Looks like we still have a way to go. But we are getting there.
love B

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