Saturday, January 30, 2010

Work, weddings, and 5 years

This week, as well as being a hard week, has been a very exciting week!

It was a hard week because I started work, and though sometimes I love my work, I DO NOT like the first few weeks of the year. I'm partially writing this so that next year I will remember and be prepared.

Do you want to know a secret? The first 2 weeks of doing my job I was actually really depressed because I kept thinking "I can't believe I've signed up for a job that I find so hard. How am I going to survive this year?"

But then I got to the 3rd week, and it all started to come together.

The truth is that I am not a desk job/organising the masses kind of person- but that is one aspect of my job. And I can bear it when I also get to spend times with Women and Kids and teach the Bible. But on the weeks when all I do is sit at a computer trying to organise materials and teams of people I get very depressed and very stressed. So while I feel overwhelmed that this time next week everything will be up and running- I am also relieved at the thought.

It was an exciting week because of weddings!

As previously started, my friend Fi is getting married. It's been fun chatting about it, fun thinking about it. I get to be a bridesmaid which I am very excited about (and honoured). I have friends who have been bridesmaids a few times and so things like dress shopping and hens night and hairstyles are just things that don't excite them. But having only been a bridesmaid once when I was in year 8 (for my Auntie Clare)- this stuff is very, very exciting for me. And even more, it will be so precious to get to be so involved in such a special day- and to assist her and encourage her as she prepares for this new stage of life as a wife. Dresses and flowers are all very well, but to be able to pray with her on the morning of her wedding is I suspect going to be the most special thing.

And- it was an exciting week because yesterday Tim and I were married 5 years. I am very thankful to God for the way he has sustained us through this time (not to mention for all the fun we have had along the way:) ). One thing we did yesterday was go through all the ways that we thought each other had grown in the years of marriage. It was encouraging to know that in Tim's eyes I was a better wife now than when we married and vise-versea!

Anyway, that's my week (trying to think up a more exciting end to this post but can't be bothered!)
love B

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


And on a happier note.
My friend Fi and her boyfriend Matt are engaged!

(I'm just a little excited)
My prayers are with you both during this exciting time.
love B

Back to work stress

Today is my first in the office day of the year.

And yes, I do realise it's Australia Day.

My first 7 days of work were non-office days, two Sundays and one wonderful week helping out on a Youth and Children's leader's training camp.

But now the rubber hits the road:

-Sunday School

-Creche Rosters

-Tuesday Playgroup

-Wednesday Playgroup? (Not technically my responsibility but I don't think it is anyone else's yet either so have to make sure that someone is sorting things out)

-Koorong shop

-Craft Supplies

-Toy cleaning (Tomorrow is the day where we get all the playgroup toys out and sanitise them for another year of fun in the mouths of local children)

-Schedual and planning for Tim and my Junior Youth Biblestudy/group

-Praying for my sanity and that God in his mercy will use this crazy, disorganised servant to bless the children and women of my church.

And that is why I am working on Australia day.

love B
PS (photos of new house and NZ coming up when we actually have internet at home)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm back

I'm back.

Back in the country

Back in Sydney.

Back at church.

But I am not back in Stanmore. Because as of Friday Tim and I moved into our new house! I actually really like it. I'm not sure if that's because its so new that it's like we are living in a hotel (only a hotel filled with boxes), but I suspect it's just because it's such a cool little place. There is still lots of fun to be had- we don't have any hot water because Tim didn't realise it was gas and so didn't organise for gas to come in, and there are an awful lot of boxes (some full some empty) cuttering the pathways between everything but it's got our stuff in it and our pictures and it feels like home. The home feeling was heavily emphasised also by the three couples who provided lunch, dinner, and cookies/tea for us (and these are two couples we know vaguely and one I had never met!) The benefits of living in a Bible College community house.

New Zealand and Melbourne were both amazingly wonderful. I don't really have time to go into detail but as this is the one time I get internet access before Tim and I head off to a camp I thought I should at least let you know that much.

Feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of the year ahead, but so much more calm after today- just seeing the people i serve and going "Oh that's right, I love these people" makes the work ahead seem more achievable.

love B

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mood lighting

Tim and I are in NZ.

Yes I know what your thinking! Get off the computer and get exploring. Well, Tim is upstairs negociating with the car rental car to get our car early so we can do that. But with free internet at our hotel I thought I might as well get on here before we head off into the wilderness.

Our hotel was a cheap option. It is the funkiest hotel I have ever seen. Very, very modern furniture. The tinest room you have ever seen. An automatic "wake up" system which involves turning music on, putting on the tv with a screen advertising their breakfast menu and telling you the current Christchurch weather, and putting on "sunlight-like" light above your bed. But the coolest thing is the mood lighting. 5 different colours of lights depending on what mood your in. My favourite was the red.